Hand pain can result from falls, impacts, as well as various health conditions and ailments. This includes fractures, sprains, dislocations, as well as conditions like algodystrophy, frozen shoulder, or rheumatoid arthritis.

Whether it's an injury or a specific condition, Fizionova Center provides treatment with innovative therapeutic protocols specially designed for each individual health condition. The application of FSWT therapy significantly accelerates the overall recovery process, representing one of the main benefits of these therapeutic protocols.

Hand Joint Pain and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the joints. Individuals with rheumatoid arthritis often experience pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of joint function. Hand pain in rheumatoid arthritis usually occurs symmetrically, meaning it is felt in both hands simultaneously. Symptoms are most pronounced in the morning, or after periods of rest, and diminish throughout the day as the joints become more active. Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include:

  • Hand joint pain
  • Finger pain
  • Pain in the hands and feet
  • Hand joint swelling
  • Hand joint pain and numbness
  • Finger joint pain in the hands
  • Hand pain
  • Pain in the middle finger of the right hand
  • Hand bone pain
  • Rheumatic hand pain
  • Pain in the base of the thumb

In addition to pain, swelling, redness, and restricted mobility of the joints occur. Physical therapy enables excellent results, preserving joint mobility, and strengthening muscles. Protocol 661 for rheumatoid arthritis leads to a rapid reduction in hand joint pain, and early diagnosis is crucial for further treatment and pain reduction.

Glenohumeral Joint Dislocation, Shoulder Dislocation

Shoulder dislocation occurs when the head of the humerus bone pops out of its usual position in the shoulder joint. Dislocation is painful and restricts shoulder mobility, and in most cases, dislocation occurs due to a specific injury. Dislocation can occur after falling on an outstretched hand, a direct blow to the shoulder, or as a result of a sudden movement. Shoulder dislocation is a common injury in contact sports like rugby, hockey, or basketball.

Does shoulder dislocation cause pain that spreads down the arm?

Physical therapy is crucial for proper rehabilitation after shoulder dislocation. Rehabilitation enables the injured person to regain strength, stability, and range of motion. In severe cases, especially with repeated dislocations or serious joint damage, surgical intervention may be necessary for damaged structures to heal. Pain may tend to spread, so pain in the right arm may also occur if dislocation occurred on the right side.

Fizionova Center provides treatment for glenohumeral joint dislocation with innovative treatment protocol 612, consisting of a series of therapeutic procedures applied to achieve joint recovery in the shortest possible time.

Frozen Shoulder and Pain in the Left Arm

Another condition related to shoulder problems is frozen shoulder, which besides shoulder pain, can also cause pain that spreads down the arm. Frozen shoulder, or periarthritis of the shoulder, usually occurs as a result of inflammation of periarticular structures, including tendons, ligaments, and bursae around the shoulder. In addition to pain, the main characteristic of this condition is undoubtedly limited shoulder mobility.

Inflammation and swelling around the shoulder joint compress nearby nerves, leading to pain that spreads down the arm.

Fizionova Center provides treatment for frozen shoulder with protocol 605, which through a combination of various physical therapy techniques promotes healing and enables faster recovery.

Algodystrophy and Hand Pain

Algodystrophy, also known as complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), is a chronic painful condition that can affect one limb, arm, or leg. It can happen that this condition develops after an injury, surgery, or some other incident affecting the tissues or nerves. Hand muscle pain can be strong, constant, and sometimes occur for no apparent reason.

In addition, a sensation such as tingling or pressure on the affected area may occur. The skin may change color, become red, blue, or paler than usual. There may also be changes in skin temperature, with the skin becoming cold to the touch. Dry skin can occur, and hair growth may be impaired if the scalp is affected. Symptoms of algodystrophy include:

  • Hand muscle pain
  • Pain in the legs and arms
  • Hand and foot pain
  • Muscle pain in the legs and arms
  • Hand and foot pain and weakness
  • Weakness and pain in the legs and arms
  • Pain in the upper arm
  • Joint pain in the hands and feet
  • Bone pain in the hands and feet
  • Hand and muscle pain

Swelling is also common, leading to movement restriction in the limb. The affected area can become extremely sensitive, so even a light touch causes intense pain. The exact cause of algodystrophy is not fully understood, but it is believed to involve complex interactions between the nervous and immune systems, as well as vascular changes and issues. For algodystrophy treatment, Fizionova Center implements innovative treatment protocol 609.

Radius Fracture at a Typical Location and Severe Hand Pain

A radius fracture at a typical location involves a fracture of the forearm bone near the wrist. The most common distal forearm fracture is a fracture of both forearm bones - the radial and ulnar bones.

This type of fracture usually occurs due to a fall on an outstretched hand, a direct blow, or some kind of awkward shoulder movement. Symptoms include swelling, deformity at the fracture site, and intense hand pain from the elbow to the hand. Healing the injury involves putting the bones in the correct position and immobilizing them with a cast. After healing, recovery of the injured hand can be encouraged with therapy protocol 618, which contributes to faster recovery and regeneration of damaged bone structure and tissues.

Innovative FSWT therapy has a high power of penetration of acoustic waves, which regenerate blood vessels and bones, thereby enabling a doubly faster recovery process after injury.

Rotator Cuff Syndrome

The rotator cuff consists of four muscles and their tendons that surround the head of the humerus (upper arm bone) and allow shoulder movements. Rotator cuff syndrome is a condition characterized by a series of problems resulting from damage or inflammation of the rotator cuff in the shoulder joint.

It can be caused by overuse, injuries, degenerative changes due to aging, or repetitive shoulder movements. The main symptoms of rotator cuff syndrome are shoulder pain, reduced strength and mobility, and difficulty raising the arm. Fizionova successfully treats frozen shoulder with innovative treatment protocol 622, which restores shoulder mobility and eliminates hand pain.

Whether it's a specific condition or an injury, Fizionova Center can provide you with adequate support for treatment, and the recovery process, with the implementation of innovative therapeutic methods, will be significantly shorter than usual.




Leading center for innovative therapies in the region


Dr Jelena Kluz-Đurđević, a specialist in physical medicine

After a conversation with the patient, Dr. Jelena will conduct an examination to obtain a more comprehensive view of your health status, helping to determine whether it's an injury or a diagnosis.

The examination lasts for 30 minutes and includes:

Schedule a specialist examination by calling 011 2100 588 for the cost of 4,000 RSD.